Our reviews

(85 Reviews)
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Do you like Chick to Sea Express - Nanaimo? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

March 25, 2024
Super fresh and delicious

March 22, 2024
Great halibut and chip, good special.

March 21, 2024
Just had Fish and Chips and Chicken and Chips for five people tonight. We had never ordered from here before and it was FABULOUS! Everything was awesome The fries were amazing Thank you!

March 17, 2024
The best chicken I’ve had in Nanaimo. Also, great fries and gravy. I will definitely be trying the seafood after reading the reviews posted.

March 10, 2024
The 3 halibut was huge. Fresh and delicious!

March 08, 2024
Very good Food and the price was excellent

March 08, 2024
friendly staff, the best halibut in nanaimo

March 02, 2024
Very tasty and crispy

February 25, 2024
Always great friendly customer service along with great food and an even better price..a perfect treat for a single mother to get a good real meal

February 23, 2024
Super fresh and the batter is nice and crispy. We had the halibut fish and chips and the breaded scallops. Both were delicious!